How to improve your town and don’t go nuts
Date: 2020-03-26
Russian version
I’d like to share my experience how to interact with housing and utilities service provider and be sane.

Before beginning
- I created trello dashboard.
- I configured trello to collect emails from
& create cards from an email.
- I synced trello & google calendar.
How it looks?
- There are two ways to create new card:
- Write email to housing and utilities service provider & BCC
- Write complain to & manually create card via trello web site or mobile app.
- I episodically look through trello dashboard & update due date & labels for new cards.
- If I get result or new information then I update status in trello for related card.
- TODO - backlog.
- Sended - issue was sended to housing and utilities service provider.
- WIP - housing and utilities service provider got it.
- Supervisory - housing and utilities service provider ignores the issue, it was redirected to related supervisory authorities.
- Police - supervisory authorities ignore or overdue the issue, it was redirected to police
- DONE - the issue was fixed.
It looks a bit strange however it works.
How to improve your town
There are a lot different ways to improve your town, as an expert in this area, I’d like to share my expirience.
housing and utilities service provider
On one hand it should be the fastest way to solve issues, but on the other hand the keen on ignoring emails. It means that without official office call & conformation that they have received the email, they will ignore your email. It’s not really useful, becuase of waste of time.
It’s really useful & friedly service, especially in case of mobile application. Mobile app use case looks like:
- See an issue.
- Take the picture.
- Send the issue.
- Wait some months.
- Done
Usually they forward issues to housing and utilities service providers. They really good in standard solve issues solving:
- Broken fence.
- Dirty elevator
- Broken screaking swing.
It works slow & not user friendly, but it works & solves not standard issues.
- Create new waliking path.
- Create new road.
Road police
If you want to organize road traffic or crosswalk
It is web portal which has to contain all information about utility bills, also you can complain on your housing and utilities service provider.
Not commercial services
Usually they provide templates for different standard cases.
A portal contains official infromation about each house in the country.
There are a lot of different ways. I’d like to share my experience in that question.
- There is no history, it is actual in case of tough, longterm issues.
- You have to call during working hours only.
- Your words might be interpreted in a wrong way.
- You can’t estimate time in a queue.
- You have to interrupt somebody.
- A status of your issue isn’t clear, you should call if you want to get an update.
- You talk.
- You can call in deep night.
- There is no history, it is actual in case of tough, longterm issues. Well, it is, however you don’t have access to that.
- Your words might be interpreted in a wrong way.
- You can’t estimate time in a queue.
- A status of your issue isn’t clear, you should call if you want to get an update.
Face-to-face visit
- Somebody will deal with your issue.
- There is no history, it is actual in case of tough, longterm issues.
- You have to visit during working hours only.
- You can’t estimate time in a queue.
- You have to interrupt somebody.
- A status of your issue isn’t clear, you should call if you want to get an update.
- Yun are able to send an email whenever you want.
- You are able to read an email history.
- You should not interrupt anybody, because, it’s possible to reply on email when a person has free time.
- Sometimes housing and utility providers ignore emails.
- History available only for senders & recipients.
- Your neighbours don’t know about actual issues & should call or write emails.
- A status of your issue isn’t clear, you should email if you want to get an update.
- Yun are able to send an email whenever you want.
- You are able to read an email history.
- Usually, issues are fixed, however, it works really slow, because, the vast majority of issues will be redirected to a housing and utility providers.
- It works slow.. very very slow.
- It works like Chinese whispers.
- There are a lot of red tapes.
- It’s very user friendly service, take a picture & send. That’s all.
- Yun are able to send issues whenever you want.
- You are able to read issues history.
- Ususally, it works.
- It’s slow.
- It works like Chinese whispers.
- There are a lot of red tapes.
Housing and utility provider mobile app
- It’s very user friendly service, take a picture & send. That’s all.
- Yun are able to send issues whenever you want.
- You are able to read issues history.
- Usually, it works.
- It’s slow.
- It doesn’t work like Chinese whispers.
- There is no red tapes.
- It doesn’t exist.
- Housing and utility providers are able to remove any issue.
As you can see, there are a lot of completely different ways already exists. Each of them has pros and cons. You can read about my way here:How to interact with housing and utilities service provider and don’t go nut.